The New Gods.


I wrote this piece thirteen years ago… still valid me thinks.

                                  Who are The New Gods?


WE The People have been slowly prepared by the Powers That Be to revere the said powers that be and the powers that were to become our gods.

Once upon a time, God – all knowing and omniscient – helped those who needed Her/Him/It. God (the higher power) ‘gave’ us Mother Earth (Nature) who in turn provided us with the Fruits of the Earth in order to maintain physical/spiritual health.

 If one looks at various Holy Books from around the world and time periods, God did not condemn the use of ‘magic’ mushrooms,  cannabis and other plants as they were the keys to unlock our minds, our souls, and see the world in different ways. These plants were not the forbidden fruit as man has suggested in the Judeo/Christian context, but power plants – power organisms – that created a ladder to the proverbial heavens, the universe, in order that we might serve God/Fellow Humans/Mother Earth and learn.

 But some men – not yet fully evolved humans (who know how to use their minds, who do not need to be greedy or selfish… yes our species has not fully evolved.. we are still – it seems – mere mammals) – and in positions of authority – used this power to dupe the ignorant.

Man made their own omniscient beings through culture, indoctrinated beliefs, superstitions, ignorance and yes hopes. Emerging from the culture and traditions were stories of god-like entities with the likes of Santa Claus, Leprechauns, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all of whom kept an eye on you. These god-like entities knew who was naughty or nice (thus taking some of the burden away from the parents to be sure), and instilled in children that ‘someone’ was always watching.

Big Brother did not emerge with the book 1984 by George Orwell. Big Brother was already there, hidden in our traditions, hidden in the shadows of our various cultures, lurking under various guises and disguises, just waiting for someday when technology afforded the Powers That Be – AKA governments & large corporations –  to be Big Brother or better – that omniscient god (who was always watching) to see who they deemed naughty or nice.

Now there are cameras are everywhere, Orwell’s worst nightmare.

A satellite or drone may see you smoking a joint in the ‘privacy’ of your own backyard.

The only victims in victim-less crimes are those being busted for victim-less crimes.

The Powers That Be have consolidated their Power and there are no more secrets.

WE The People were warned and we heeded not that warning.

The various governments around the world and the Corporate entities that control them, or work with them, ARE that god, that big brother.  They are now that omniscient being…  they can now know your every move, your every click of the mouse. They can know what you eat, where you go, what programs and porn you watch.  And they record it all – so someone will see it someday.

The People of the World did not read the small print. We voted the politicians in who had their strings pulled by corporate banks… and in essence… we fucked ourselves.

We are now used to the idea of being “watched” as we are conditioned from childhood. Santa Claus – looking into his magic snowball – is the secret police, the NsA, the cIa… and all the other entities with dangerous initials.  

We could say that we live in a world of paranoia, but the only ones who are paranoid are the ones that are glued to the mass media spewing mass hysteria AND the ones who actually pay attention and understand just how powerful Santa Clause has become. They understand how the world is being shaped by the few who have the power to shape it.

Has our world run away?  Are we now trapped in a vicious circle from which there is no escape?

People of the world, you need to vote and play the game on the surface but pay attention! Teach the younger generation to Question Authority. Teach them how to think critically… and in order to teach them, you must practice this yourself.

Imagine there’s no country. Just us. Alone on this Earthy Spaceship floating through the universe.

Let the seeds of love, peaceful anarchy, empathy and understanding germinate.

Rise up and fight for your freedoms.

The pursuit of happiness is not just financial success, but Freedom.   Freedoms that are eroding, are being taken away as you smile and think, I feel safe! My benevolent government is watching out for me! It is protecting me from evil forces outside our borders

You have bought the lie they sold you thus securing (y)our demise….

The Powers That Be want total control… they make Mother Nature’s Gifts illegal, they punish instead of educating The People. 

Because of our ignorance, We The People will suffer – and it is just the beginning.

What will we do about it?


You can Follow the Militant Hippi/Boston Paul on Facebook:


Gypsi AKA The Militant Hippi

Written: September 27, 2003

Saturday 1:35 PM

Edited October 27, 2004

Wednesday, 3:44PM

Edited again March 11, 2016


Published in: on March 11, 2016 at 1:44 PM  Comments (1)  
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  1. Looking back, this piece is more accurate than we thought back then. The only category missing is the endless telephone monitoring. You seriously can’t do ANYTHING anymore without being watched by nosy, controlling douchebags. Curiously, THEY all manage to skirt even the slightest monitoring of THEIR behaviour.

    Perpetual war, drones, cameras, Thought Police, detention centres where all rights are stripped away & people are tortured…1984 isn’t a movie anymore. It’s a fucking documentary!

    Shit, the even FBI is employing thousands to set people up, exactly like O’Brien did to Winston Smith in 1984. They go to some poor area, find some desperate morons, give them a bunch of money and promise more to lure them into a “terror plot” that NEVER would have existed if the FBI didn’t create it out of thin air. And as long as they’re Muslims, nobody gives a fuck! Even though it does absolutely nothing to make us safer. However, it does keep us scared and calling for Big Brother’s help.

    But it’s not just government & the corporations snooping into our every move. Ordinary people want to invade the privacy of everybody else. For example; after 40+ years of being for sale, they changed the name of “remote control aerial vehicles” to the ultra-macho, war related, “drones” and mounted spy cameras on them…They wind up selling more last Christmas alone than their entire previous history combined! This is how much we want to spy on people.

    I live in a low-crime area of a low-crime city, in a low-crime country…a country in which crime has been going steadily down since the late 70’s. Yet 2 of my idiot neighbours think they could be dragged out of their homes and murdered at any moment. Between their two houses, they have mounted at least 8 external surveillance cameras to “protect” them from….dangerous criminals terrified of winding up on America’s Funniest Home Videos?

    One of them spent an entire week installing camera and must have spent 10 grand on the high-end system….This so that he could take pictures of crackheads who don’t give a fuck about anything as they take the stuff (cheap Walmart shit) he leaves lying all over his property. Even if the criminal doesn’t employ high-tech, anti-surveillance, technology (aka hoodies, baseball hats, sunglasses). Even if the cops care enough about the crime to actually do their job (it’s exceedingly rare for minor thefts to get ANY response) Even then, this loser will discover the courts in these parts don’t prosecute (especially thefts/vandalism) when the only evidence is video. They rarely even bother to go after the guy, even if they know him.

    Meanwhile, this camera obsessed loser still refuses to put up a fence. For probably half the price of the cameras, this retard could have put up a decent fence. As it stands, any idiot can easily walk across his entire property at will (front & back)…But this genius thinks he’s “safe” because he put up a bunch of cameras!!!

    This goes to show how our society has just guzzled down the Big Brother Koolaid!

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